Consulting with SENS’RE 3 is a creative and safe environment supporting directors, principals, and their staff as we work together to paint your picture-perfect solution.
I will provide professional advice in areas pertaining to the wellness of the educators and student relationship along with parents and caregivers on collaborations with educators alike. I will instruct your organization on how to develop and improve your “inner process” to building a healthy work environment and improving productivity.
The goal is to ensure you are well-advised while gaining a “deeper” awareness and insight into the challenges.
This will be accomplished by:
o strategically de-program non-productive processes or system(s)
o repair-rebuild and strengthen internal breaches
Outcomes: Professional development, staff relationship building, restorative healing
Benefits: accountability, structure, positive, objective and supportive, break through blocks, delivery
Ethics: no dual relationships, maintain professionalism, and promote safe environment
Service: office of company/virtual TBD
Call today for your free 30 minute consultation! Individual and group schedules available.